Published on 19 September 2024 at 22:50

The title lends itself to this week perfectly. 

It has been a perfect amalgamation of many loves and my phrase of the week, in its most chavetteness has been "What a buzz" to the point, a painting that has come from this week may have to be named just that because, what a buzz....

Said painting (not finished yet, I think) hasn't seen even a hair of black, which if I'm honest has thrown me a little, am I ok? Aside from my Mini Mood paintings its hard to come by a painting from me that doesn't involve a least a touch of black, probably because I come with more than a touch of darkness, so to see that naturally dissipated in one of my creations is no small thing, and so I ask..... Am I ok? and the answer is surprisingly, yes and that's the point.


Since I began this whole art journey there have been momentary intervals where I have pondered the possibility of what life would look like not being clouded by so much darkness but more, what the fuck would I paint? What would I need to release? I think it, I let it go and I carry on regardless. (love that song) That anxiety has settled after pulling out joy and fumbling through excitement whilst trying to convince my nervous system that anxiety and excitement are NOT the same thing, no matter how much my body, physiologically tries to tell me otherwise, but in this I learnt, because of how much I feel feels, still needs a release.

As much as this thought and feeling provokes some fears, I think after literally decades of work, its paying off and I am in fact healing and it shows. Pictured below.

Don't worry Ian, see, I still have plenty of time for painting.

I spent some of my spare time helping set up the next exhibition being held at HIVEarts, Always look on the brightside .

Firstly and you'll probably read this from me a lot, that space is dreeeamy...... purely from an aesthetics POV it satisfies something internally that I simply cannot explain.

Emotionally and personally I have spent time with people that inspire me a lot, I do feel like I absorb the emotions and attitudes of people I'm around so being around creatives, kindred spirits, positivity and passion is a pleasant change and really good for my soul. I have learnt some of the ins and outs of what goes into setting such things up, How to hang things, what to think about when deciding where to put pieces and being asked for input, I apprehensively add my two cents and in return feel like my opinion is valued which if I'm completely honest, blows my fucking mind, I have been entrusted to Invigilate for a few days while the Exhibit runs which also blows my fucking mind. Don't get me wrong, I am a very trustworthy person but feeling like that is seen is just bloody lovely. 

I got to give input, learn, help, be creative in different ways and feel like I'm part of something amazing, the gratitude I have for all of that will never be taken for granted. 

Both of my children have now been in the place and met some of the people, I have been banging relentlessly on about for weeks. Both creative souls that were a little inhibited by teenage years and changes of priority in those phases. My son buzzing his little head off being taught a few things and being spoken to and inspired by the most magnificent photographers to pinching my phone and detouring our journey home to take photos around Blackpool.

My daughter, who growing up always had a natural love for taking photographs and in part the reason as younger ones I would take them on "photography walks." has overcome some quite profound confusions about which direction to take her future in and reignited that passion going for a level 3 diploma in photography. A last minute admission and a trip literally yesterday to follow up and hopefully Enrol, to having her first day today, what a buzz!

I'm looking forward to seeing things blossom, seeing them blossom creatively, discovering and tuning into their own visions and styles.

I of course did the embarrassing mum thing and photographed the moment but I don't think she would appreciate me sharing that here. Teens aye.

A few snaps I took at opening night of the exhibition but in true Zoe Style, chaos ensued and I got totally distracted and forgot to take more.

Forever chaotic,

Zoe Siobhan.

"I have a firm faith in art, A FIRM CONFIDENCE IN it's being a powerful stream which carries a man to harbour, though he himself must do his bit too."

Vincent Van Gogh

You can come see the Exhibition at HIVEarts until October 4th. A collective of photographers depicting the positives of a town often overshadowed by focus on the downsides. Magic.

And there are even a few fabulous bits for sale, Don't miss out....

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Ian Currie
a month ago

Bless ya Zoe! Thanks for all your help, itโ€™s been an absolute blast having you and your fam visit and help out so much.., onward, weโ€™ll be prepping for the next one before your feet have hit the ground ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’•

Dawn Mander
a month ago

Thanks for this Zoe, youโ€™ve been a star and we certainly hope youโ€™ll stick with us and carry on shining. Big things happening for 2025. Dawn ๐ŸŽถ๐Ÿ’›

Pete JS
a month ago

Go go gadget Zo! ๐Ÿ˜