The beginning....

Published on 14 July 2024 at 13:37

Art and creativity for me came from family..... 

I was brought up in foster care but in my biology is where found artists.

Living with my grandparents for a couple years, watching my grandad paint fruit and notice that for a red apple he would use greens and yellows in the light and wondering how on earth he did it. My Grandma always coming up with some craft hack that was child friendly, from the paper mache hot air balloon and cord pulled, wing flapping, butterfly that hung from my bedroom ceiling, to the salt sprinkled, water coloured skies to make clouds, stars or fireworks depending on the time of year and the hand painted bedroom adorned with hillsides, field mice and little toadstool houses (A habit I carried on for my own children and some nieces and nephews.) 

Weekend visits at mums house who was always crafting and making something, the box of endless boxes, loo roll middles, bottles and Sellotape was something I very much looked forward to. The arty things my foster parents would ask her create, the handmade 3d advent calendars she would bring for Christmas and time spent crafting and drawing together, going through "how to draw" things together and doing our own versions, hers very impressive every time. I loved looking at my mums artwork, I was in awe, always.

All of my siblings artistically talented in one way or another.

Aside from school these were the only places I did creative things or was surround by creativity, and although never really found a flare for it, enjoyed it.

 As I got older I always tried really hard to be good at something creative, I was envious I didn't get the talent everyone else in my family seemed to have. So over the years, I dabbled in lots of different arts and crafts, some I loved, some I hated, some I was good at, some not so much but I never really found anything that felt right or like 'me' along the way, I taught myself many skills and had accumulated lots of "stuff" along the way,. meaning that when the day came I NEEDED it, I had what I needed to create what resulted in this art adventure.

Forever choatic,



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